Sunday, June 04, 2006

Holy shit. I'm leaving tomorrow. I'm having a little bit of the jitters right now. There is definitely some premature homesickness occuring. I know that that will be out of the way in a few weeks though when I'm used to being on the road.

Went to Karl and Alison's wedding on Saturday and had the best time. I also got really drunk. I think anytime you are doing karaoke in the nude you can pretty much call that a drunken escapade. Regardless of the fact that this will forever be remembered because it was actually at someone's wedding party, the night was great. Certainly one highlight was when Joey went in the house to get some wine before we went back to the hotel but couldn't find any so he just brings a pitcher of beer for us to drink in the car.

In the morning we watched this informercial which was mildly entertaining until J.J. brought up the fact that he's seen it three or four times already and so was saying things like "Oh! Oh! This guacomole they make looks really good!" and telling us what thing would be made next in the Magic Bullet. "Yep, a mousse!".


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