Wednesday, June 07, 2006

Last night I went to a bar down the street from my hostel. I had a few beers and then the owner asked if he could buy me a beer and talk to me. Who am I to say no to that? So he sits down and we start talking and it turns out he had gone to the Berklee School of Music for guitar but had stopped because he wasn't as good as the rest of the students. "Guitar is a western instrument not an eastern instrument.". So, he picked up the harmonica instead. I'm not sure where the harmonica is from, but anyway, he was accomplished enough to have won an award in Taiwan for harmonica arrangement. He also told me more about the area of Beijing where I am staying and that a block and half away is where Chiang Kai-Shek lived. So that was pretty cool. I was about to leave but then pressed more free beer in my hands and told me I had to drink it. So I ended up talking with this other Taiwanese guy at the bar,

Him: You like to party?

Me: Yeah.

I was hoping that this was a prelude to him opening up a suitcase full of drugs or something, but no. All he said was, "Yeah! Who doesn't?!".


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