Monday, June 12, 2006

I can read the comments by the way. They come to my inbox.

I left Beijing last night on a train to Xian but not before I went looking for an English language bookstore at the mall. I was not able to find one but I did see a live informercial for Bailey's Irish Cream with girls in Bailey's outfits and also saw a product called Isaddle with I'm sure Apple's lawyers are all over. This was marketed as some sort of fitness device and what it was is this seat that moved like a saddle. It looked a lot like a very sophisticated sex toy.

The trip to Xian was 13 hours and I shared a compartment with three other Chinese men. They showed me some rice wine one of them had bought (we didn't drink any of it) and told me to definitely order some in Xian as it is a specialty there. I kept saying the word for the wine and then acting drunk and they were loving it.

I slept for most of the trip and then showed up in Xian at about 7 in the morning. After getting lost trying to find the hostel I finally found it and went upstairs to the lounge where I made the acquiantance of two British women, Caroline and Katrina, who were very amused by my American slang. I told some story where I used the phrase, "Alright Dude, that's not cool." and this was hilarious to them.


Blogger Karl Steel said...

Funny counterpart to this English guy I met at a conference in Kzoo. He was friends w/ a few colleagues of mine, which explains why I had to hang out with him for a few hours even after I realized he was playing up his English hardcore to get the ladies to laugh. His favorite trick? Just grumble something with the word "bloody" in it: main example, "bloody fucking McDonald's." The ladies? They cracked up. As for me, I threw up in my mouth.

Now, the only way this story would be really analogous to yours would be if I were with you in Xian, and you really turned up the American slang to get wit the ladies.

So I guess I'm just reminded of a story instead of making an analogy. Ok?

You need to come up w/ some kind of code word for 'getting laid.'

7:23 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

it's all in the delivery. if you had said, "alllright dooood, that's coohul" in a story, these women might not have been so charmed.

7:57 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I would have given then a "right" punch in the "minge" for their trying to "take the piss out of you" and your slang.

4:08 AM  

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