Saturday, August 05, 2006

I've really been bad with the posting here. Ok, first things first: I got offered a job at the guesthouse here in Nong Khai. I decided not to take it for various reasons including the fact that I still have so much travelling to do, but it sure was nice to be asked. I think the job will probably go to Justin, the Irish guy, who is better suited for it since he's been on the road for fifteen months and had actually told me he was interested. It kind of sucked because right after I said no I had that feeling that you get where you think to yourself, "Shit, should I have said yes?", but ultimately I think it was the right decision. Of course, as usual, I felt bad saying no since obviously I want to please everyone and the owner Julian seemed disappointed and right after he asked the conversation was very, very, stilted which sort of made me feel weird. Of course, I often feel weird so it's probably not to be taken seriously.

Anyway, on to yoga: We had a guided meditation the other day where we spent about an hour doing this almost hypnotic breathe and move some and follow the voice thing. Then at one point we are supposed to leave our bodies and jump in the ocean and swim around in our mind. Well, I didn't go to an ocean. I went to a big white room that only had a black telephone and the cord was strangling me. So, that was kind of heavy.

Julian later told me that it reminded him of the scene in the Doors movie where Andy Warhol gives Jim Morrison a black phone as a present so he "can call God.".

Someone else told me that they had the telephone as well and it was ringing but he picked it up an hung it up again immediately.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

You now officially have your New Age yellow belt.

10:22 AM  
Blogger Kathy said...

I think it's really freaky that two people would spontaneously visualize a phone when they're supposed to be in the ocean.

9:18 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Give me link to SEO software (promotion, advertisement, etc.). I'm need it to promote my new e-shop.

2:59 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

This place seems to have a lot of nuts. Ok if I join too?


6:12 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

What will be a better one firewall I can download and use for free
that will come with my windows xp and won't slow it down? :(

7:42 PM  

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