Sunday, July 23, 2006

I'm in Phonsavanh and the internet is fairly expensive so I'm going to keep this short. Didn't do too much in Luang Phabang but did see the old Royal Palace which has some great artwork including a murual done in the 1930 that shows a day in Laotian life. Apparently each part of the mural looks best if you see it during the part of the day it is depicting. The throne room was also pretty nice with all of these colored glass figures reprsenting Laotian folktales. They also kept the King and Queen's bedrooms exactly how they were when they left so that was pretty interesting.

Also climed up Mt. Phousi which has a temple on top and there were women there selling birds in cages since I guess it is a good thing if you set them free up there at the temple. Not sure how Buddha thinks about catching theam in the first place but that seemed deeper than my knowledge of Lao would allow me to go.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Happy birthday Josh. I'm glad you're not dead, floating in a river.

Really, I am. JJ

2:06 PM  

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