Friday, September 01, 2006

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Hey, I'm not dead. The gang members didn't kill me. In fact, they were nice guys. I finished up writing about them last week and hopefully it will get published but you never know I guess. Also, a lot of what you would have read here is in what I wrote. Regardless, it was great to be traveling with a purpose rather than just my own self direction which can be lacking at times. It's interesting since on the last day of the yoga course we had to do this thing where we pick out a word from a pot and that is the word/thing that we need to focus or meditate on. My word was "purpose" and despite the total hippie dippieness of the whole thing it was absolutely right. Now, purposeless once again, I'm finding myself thinking that maybe going to see "My Super Hero Ex-Girlfriend" here in Bangkok isn't such a bad idea.

I have a long thing I want to write about Phnom Penh and where I stayed and the people there complete with pictures but give me a few days to get that up. There's some interesting things going on there. I don't think I got a picture of my friend the motorbike driver, Day. Day was a good man. He would take me all over to eat and hang out at these different Cambodian restaurants and bars where I was definitely the only foreigner. Day spoke English pretty well as well as Thai and Chinese passably but couldn't get a job so he was a moto driver.

I went to Siem Reap and saw Angkor Wat but unfortunately the day I got there I got pretty sick so I did see Angkor Wat but I was feverish the whole time so the whole experience was kind of muted. Still, it was pretty fucking impressive. Yet, like many many things it doesn't take you three or four days to see the whole thing. You can really do it in one.

Oh yeah, and my camera (well, Harry and Amy's camera) got stolen. So, no more pictures other than the ones I haven't posted yet.

Lack of posting has been due to not all that much going on and just general "the blahs" but will pick up.

I'm in Bangkok now waiting to get my teeth looked at before I head off to Russia. I have to wait until Monday to see the specialist and then it will be four or five days after that before I can get the permanent crown. Bangkok as a city is ok but I've been here for a week before when I lost my bank card so I've kind of done the tourist route. So, now I'm looking around for some other things to do. Like I said, self direction not my strength sometimes.


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