Friday, June 23, 2006

Can I give a hearty "What the fuck?" to my cellphone? It turns on and I can see that people have called and texted me but I can't access anything else. Like, using the numbers or the menu or anything. So, if you called or texted I can't see it. So, email it over.

I am still sunburnt. So badly that it's hard to sleep and I can't really go outside during the day. Tonight there is a barbecue at the hostel and then tomorrow I'm off to Hong Kong via Guangzhou. Then it's back to Beijing to get on that Wall, see the summer palace, and of course, find out how Lianna's thesis on online Chinese poetry is coming along.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm worried about your sunburn.

In Hong Kong, just call to mind Screaming Jay Hawkin's words:

"Hong Kooooonnnnnnnng...bling blang bung bling bing bla blu blub Hong Kooooonnnnnnnng... babliblibliamunbladaiiii-jajung
It's bad to be aloooooooooonnnne!"

9:43 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Whoops, I meant Hawkins'

9:43 AM  

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