Monday, June 26, 2006

Got up at five this morning and took a plane from Hainan over to Shenzhen with the full purpose of going to Hong Kong. Well, what I didn't realize is that you need a double entry visa if you want to go to Hong Kong and then come back into the mainland. I only have a single entry. I could have gotten a new visa but once I looked into the expense of getting the new visa and also the Hong Kong visa I realized it wasn't really worth it. It seems weird that you need a visa to go to Hong Kong since it's part of China now. Or is it? I'm confused about the whole thing.

So, I decided to come to Guangzhou for a day and then take a train back to Beijing where I need to finish up doing some things that I haven't done yet like the Great Wall, the Summer Palace, and eating Peking Duck.

On the bus from Shenzhen to Guangzhou this afternoon the bus attendant (there is a driver and a bus attendant on every bus) came by with a video recorder and taped everyone's face. I assume for security reasons. Very odd.

I met a guy named Chris at the last hostel I stayed at and he had been living in Beijing for the past year studying Chinese and we were talking about living in China and he was saying that it was ok if you were a foriegner but he wasn't so sure how great it was if you were a Chinese person. He said that he was at a club about three months ago and it was raided by the police who seperated all the foreigners from the Chinese and let all the forigeners go but with all the Chinese they told them they were doing a full drug test right then and whoever tested positive was going to prison.


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