Wednesday, July 12, 2006

Who I've met and what I've learned:

Who:In Chengdu I met Audrey who was a Montrealean who worked in television.

What I learned: Traveling by yourself as a woman can be hard. "I was travelling with this Japanese guy for two days and we shared a room one night in a hostel and in the middle of the night he turned to me and said "I've been thinking about our relationship..." and I had to interrupt and say and "What relationship? Just go back to sleep." and then the next day I had to tell him it was just a little too weird."

Who: Dave the owner of the hostel in Bangkok

What I learned: "There are three places you never open a whorehouse: near a police station, near a school, or near a hospital."

Who: Guy I met in a bar after I watched him grab some guys arm and the guy stormed off. I came over to ask what had happened.

What I Learned: He was a sniper with the SAS. He'd killed three people. He was a spy looking for Osama Bin Laden. Osama Bin Laden is in China.

Who: Wen was a 21 year old Chinese girl I met in Shanghai who wanted me to teach English for two weeks at a camp she was part of. She was also smitten with a French guy who was in our dorm. "He is very beautiful." Unfortunately, M'sieu met a Shanghainese girl one evening and Wen was not pleased and went into a lengthy diatribe against big city Chinese girls and Shanghai girls in particular.

What I learned: "There is a saying among Shanghainese girls that you want an American first, a British guy second, after that any kind of European, and after that a rich Chinese guy."

Who: Jim a guy from Las Vegas who runs his own adult web site and who has that weird "I've been smoking since I was 13 and now I'm 45" skin.

What I learned: Don't use an ATM in Cambodia. Have the money changing places swipe your card for you. Also, if you are going to ask other tourists for money then have a story that makes at least a little bit of sense. He apparently had lost his atm card in Cambodia and the bank was online and would only send him a new card to his house and not to the U.S. embassy in Thailand but there was plenty of money there etc...until it led up to him showing me the entrance to the skytrain and asking me for some money and "If you give me your bank account number I'll pay you back for sure.". I refused and two times after that I saw Jim on the street and he didn't acknowledge me. Oh yeah, he had a rat tail. It was never explained how it was that he was living in hotel in Bangkok or had any money at all and also why he didn't have any family or friends to help him out rather than having to strike up conversations with guys in a restaurant. I asked him why he didn't just transfer the money out via wire or open up a Netbank account or something. He didn't really have a good answer for me. Scammers 1 Josh 1


Anonymous Anonymous said...

OH! In his FACE! No money for YOU, Jim!

Um, hey Josh? Can I borrow some money? I will totally pay you back. Just give me your bank account number. And your PIN. Oh, and I'll be needing your passport. See, what happened was....well...I just need some money. Cool? Awesome. Thanks.

11:55 AM  

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