Friday, June 30, 2006

Some of you are probably wondering what it's like to go to the dentist in Beijing. I am not fully toothed again at least for a short while. I got a temporary crown that will work for a few months until I get a permanent one which I guess I'll do in Thailand as it's probably cheapest there. The temporary crown cost me about 110 dollars. Which led to start thinking that since I don't have dental insurance it might actually be cost effective to fly to China to get my dental work done. But anyway, I showed up, filled out one form, and then I was brought in and the dentist said "What's the problem?". The dental office itself was really nice and other than the fact that we had to get the receptionist in once or twice to translate it was a smooth dental ride the whole time. Interesting that I hadn't been to the dentist in ten years and now I've been twice in three months.

Still in Beijing. Two days from now I'll be in Shanghai.

FINALLY going to see the Great Wall today.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

A couple friends of mine in California fly to Thailand every few years because the dental work there is so good and also cheap. (These are people with serious dental issues.) Keep it in mind!

9:51 AM  
Blogger beckler said...

In Mazatlan they advertise "dental vacations".

9:15 AM  

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